On this page you will find the terms and conditions that apply to your booking through Parking Cheap. The terms and conditions are explicitly shown to the user during the booking process. The general terms and conditions can be downloaded here. It is also possible that you have made a booking through a third party. That third party could be Mobian or ParkVia. Mobian's general terms and conditions can be found here, and ParkVia's general terms and conditions here. During the booking process, you will be informed of which conditions are applied. These can be changed at any time without informing the user
By using and visiting the website, the user declares to agree with the application of the terms of use and disclaimer. The entire content of the webpage belongs exclusively to Parking Cheap, as the exclusive owner. The intellectual property and copyright vested in this website as well as in all subdomains and trademarks belong to Parking Cheap. Users do not have the right to use or copy them.
The content of the website is compiled with the utmost accuracy, yet there is a possibility that information may become outdated or incorrect. Parking Cheap is not responsible for any damage caused by this.
Prices and availability are determined by third parties such as parking providers and other intermediaries using an automatic process and then displayed on the Parking Cheap website. Consequently, data on the website is subject to change at any time and loading errors may occur. Parking Cheap is unable to control or modify data or other information from external sources referred to by hyperlinks. Websites or sources not owned by Parking Cheap and the hyperlinks to them are only used to inform the user. For this reason, Parking Cheap cannot be responsible for their content.
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VAT ID: NL860401212B01
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